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Why you need BDIX Hosting?

How BDIX hosting makes your hosting experience amazing?

Are you tired of seeing loading pages while your are browsing any websites online. Let’s draw a solution togather in this blog.

One of the prominent solution would be BDIX hosting. But before diving into the deep of BDIX hosting, let us know what BDIX actually is?

BDIX or Bangladesh Internet Exchange an organization that holds upto 3500 Bangladeshi internet service providers to prevent local data international routing. The servers or networks that are connected to this Internet exchange point, the hosts that are part of that server or network are known as BDIX hosting. One of the exciting advantage of BDIX hosting is that the site that is hosted on this server will be visited by bangladeshi users up to 200 times faster. Just the matter of the fact that data centers itself exists in Bangladesh and thats why when any Bangladeshi users visit a site on the BDIX network, they will visit directly without crossing the international routing. This allows to mitigate the delay between hosts and the end user in a massive amount of time.

Now here comes the part do you really need BDIX hosting?

So, if your company or service is based in Bangladesh and the majority of your customers are from Bangladesh, then you should strongly consider BDIX hosting. With that said, Hexazn provides all kind of hosting that you need along with BDIX connectivity. So contact us TODAY!

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