CyberPanel is a stable open source control panel that is available to easily install on any VPS or dedicated server running on Linux server operating system. It helps the users to easily manage their command line server using the web interface and allows hosting websites because of the inbuilt web server and other required components such as PHP.
Steps to install CyberPanel on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux
CyberPanel Requirements
⇒ Server with a fresh Ubuntu OS and root access
⇒ Python 3.x
⇒ 1 GB RAM, or higher
⇒ 10GB Disk Space
Step 1: Update Ubuntu 20.04
Login to your remote Ubuntu 20.04 focal server via SSH or direct command line web interface offered by your VPS or cloud service provider. After that run the system update and upgrade command to ensure our server is up to date.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Step 2: Install wget & curl
To run the script provided by the Cyberpanel developers to install their hosting control panel, we need wget
and curl
tools on our system.
sudo apt install wget curl -y
Step 3: Install CyberPanel on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
After following the previous steps our Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system, it is ready to install CyberPanel. Let’s download and initiate the CyberPanel installation script.
sh <(curl || wget -O -
Once the script is downloaded and run as a root user, it will first start checking the system compatibility and whether it meets the required hardware resource requirements or not.
Step 4: Initial Configuration
- The text-based wizard will ask you to enter ‘1‘ to start the installation process. If you want to exit then type number 2 and hit the Enter key.

- Select Web server type. If you want the Open source LiteSpeed then select the first option with OpneLiteSpeed one whereas those who want the Enterprise edition of it can go for the second one.

- Install Full Service of CyberPanel on Ubuntu, simply type Y and hit the Enter key.

- Do you want to set up a remote MySQL Database? Well, if you already have a MySQL server running on some remote server then select the Y option otherwise press N and hit the Enter key. Well, if you don’t have any idea about this then it is recommended to select N to let CyberPanel install the MySQL server on the same Ubuntu 20.04 VPS where you are installing the CyperPanel.

- Press the Enter key after that let the Cyber Panel select the latest version to install. After that, the setup will ask you to set the Admin password. If you skip this, the setup will set the default password for the Control panel Admin user i.e 1234567. However, it is recommended to set some strong passwords here manually. For that use the option ‘s‘ and hit the Enter key. Once done type the password two times you want to setup.

- Install PHP and its extension along with other things; the process will ask for your permission. Wait for some time until the script completed the installation process. Once the process is completed, you will have the intimation for the same along with your Ubuntu 20.04’s IP address that you can use to access the CyberPanel web interface.
- Restart your system by pressing Y to complete the CyberPanel installation.
- For the Web hosting control panel management interface use-
on any browser

Hurray!!! You have successfully installed Cyberpanel on your Ubuntu VPS 🙂